Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last day of training..

  Today,I had my usual class with Miko in Bangsar.I always look forward to my weekly classes with her because she gives me confidence and always believes in me(when I don't). I am extra happy today because I managed to do the reverse crucifix..finally! After weeks of trying,I finally got it! Now the question is,should I include it in my routine??..hmmm..

  I worked extra hard today because I was fixing my techniques on the spins and inverts. This is the last time for me to reconfirm anything with Miko before the competition. She has helped me a lot in terms of prep talk and confidence boosting. In fact,she was the one who persuaded me to join this competition in the first place. Thanks a bunch for everything Miko/'re the BOMB!

  Although my right lower arm is still killing me till today, I can feel that my hands/arms are getting stronger as days go by. I'm starting to be able to do stuff I couldn't even dream of doing before. I'm most certain that this is because I have been poling almost everyday for the past 2 weeks..I am not complaining! I love poling..

  I was hoping to practice tomorrow,but there is no pole Xcess session. I guess I should, I've got tones of chores to complete. I'll just run through the routines in my head for the whole day..

  It's kinda sad that this journey is coming to an end..I've learned a lot,experienced new things and met new interesting friends. My lovely friends and beloved family has been giving me their absolute support. At times like these, you come to realise that a lot of people do love you..and you feel blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. Apo khabar : D
    Good luck weih.
    Mari mati kaukau!

