Another day passed by like breeze..I just wish time would halt a little,so I could have more time to practise my routine. Today,2 hours spent at pole excess seemed like too little. The catching up game is rather tiring but exciting,i must say..
The amount of bruises on my body is starting to look hideous. Wave goodbye to all my shorts and skirts..people might think I've been in a devastating car wreck or heavily battered with a hard object! hahahaha...No! seriously..
I have been putting a lot of thoughts on what I'll be wearing that night. No decisions have been made to this point and it's starting to stress me out!! One thing for sure is I'm definitely wearing heels..In the beginning, I'm a bit worried cause I've never polled with heels before, but after trying it today..Yup! Loved it! Makes my bruised legs look leaner and longer..swoooshhh!
Owh! finally snapped pictures today..tomorrow is fit pole group training.
Those bruises are non of my works. - Hubby