Friday, May 22, 2009

Shall we dance..?

 That's the name of the studio where I'm attending my pole classes starting yesterday..hmmm...reminds me of the movie..The studio is very spacious and conducive,i must say. I have no problems adjusting to the studio, its just the 'looking for parking' experience that's just going to haunt me a little bit! Its a disaster!!!!

 After a while (2weeks) of not having lessons, yesterdays' class was rather exhausting. We had to catch up on a lot of spins we missed out. Yesterday we learnt the *windmill,the varieties of corkscrew and hangbacks,and tuck spin*. Now we've moved on to *power grip* instead of *full bracket*. 

 I was quite disappointed with myself..I have no core power and my arms aren't strong enough! so when Miko was teaching us using the *power grip*..let's just say, I don't have any..
That goes to show how much harder i have to work out my arms to gain strength in order to execute these tricks..the question is, Do I have enough time???

Today is a rest day,at least for any pole activities..But will be running a few km's this evening..
Tomorrow,Fit pole group training..till then! 

*pole terms*

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